The Loves of the Winds and the Seasons Agrandir l'image

moore albert joseph

English Aesthetic artist. Born 1841 - died 1893. Moore was born in York, a member of an old Yorkshire family. His father was an artist, & his elder brother Henry Moore 1831-1895, was the famous marine painter. The family moved to London in the 1850s, & Albert Moore trained initially at the Kensington Ar

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At present great attention is paid to world-known paintings. There is nothing wonder in having any masterpieces or their reproductions at home, for example, The Loves of the Winds and the Seasons of albert joseph moore is the most popular among connoisseurs of art. You have a unique opportunity to enjoy viewing our huge collection of the world-famous paintings.

The Loves of the Winds and the Seasons



Ce que nous offrons...

Peinture à l'huile reproduction chef-d'œuvre de ce0.000000e+0st peinte à la main par un véritable artiste. Pas de techniques numériques ou d'impression sont utilisées. Vous êtes la mise en service d'une véritable peinture.

Un autre 3 pouces de toile vierge sur tous les côtés est appliqué laissant beaucoup de place pour l'encadrement ou le montage.

Le milieu est peinture à l'huile sur toile.


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