Garden of Earthly Delights outer wings of the triptych WGA Agrandir l'image
Keywords - earth, planet, ball, garden

Bosch Hieronymus

Netherlands Northern Renaissance artist. Born 1450 - died 1516. BOSCH, JEROM (c. 1460-1518), the name generally given, from his birthplace Hertogenbosch, to Hieronymus van Aeken, the Dutch painter. He was probably a pupil of Albert Ouwater, and may be called the Breughel of the 15th century, for he devoted himself to

Autres peintures

Even if you are not a connoisseur of art, undoubtedly you have heard about this famous painter Hieronymus Bosch & at least once in life, you saw his staggering work Garden of Earthly Delights outer wings of the triptych WGA. There are a lot of other tremendous paintings in our collection.

Garden of Earthly Delights outer wings of the triptych WGA



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Peinture à l'huile reproduction chef-d'œuvre de ce0.000000e+0st peinte à la main par un véritable artiste. Pas de techniques numériques ou d'impression sont utilisées. Vous êtes la mise en service d'une véritable peinture.

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Le milieu est peinture à l'huile sur toile.


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