LAWRENCE Sir Thomas Portrait Of The Children Of John Angerstein Ver maior
Keywords - children, group, portrait, little, girl, boy

Lawrence Thomas

English Neoclassical artist. Born 1769 - died 1830. English painter was born at Bristol on the 4th of May 1769. His father was an innkeeper, first at Bristol and afterwards at Devizes, and at the age of six Thomas was already shown off to the guests of the Black Boar as an infant prodigy who could sketch t

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One of the greatest painters Thomas Lawrence painted this beautiful painting well-known as LAWRENCE Sir Thomas Portrait Of The Children Of John Angerstein. There are a lot of other works in our database.

LAWRENCE Sir Thomas Portrait Of The Children Of John Angerstein



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Este Lawrence Thomas obra reprodução da pintura a óleo é pintado por um artista de verdade mão. Não há técnicas digitais ou de impressão são usados. Você está encomendando uma pintura real.

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O meio é pintura a óleo na lona.


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